Covid 19 has brought a lot of changes and added many stresses to our lives. It made us move our lives online. Not all that came from this tragedy was bad. I had to move my practice online and learnt how practical and effective online therapy can be.
Online therapy can take less time away from the office or your workday or worry about traffic. I now offer online sessions in addition to face-to-face sessions. I send you a Zoom link and the session can happen wherever you are comfortable. Your online session will happen in a Zoom meeting room that is password protected and unique to you. Online sessions might even seem more comfortable or easier than talking to someone in person, especially when revealing personal or private information.
You also don’t have to feel the anxiety of getting to and finding a new place or office. So if you feel that online therapy might be the right format for you, give me a call to set up an assessment meeting to get the process started.